Where the Passion Begins

Teacher and calm bringer
Dad of two daughters, somewhat sleep deprived, Simon has spent the last 16 years working in London primary schools; as both a class teacher and school leader. He's passionate about cultivating a positive growth mindset in young people. Powered by spinach, kindness and an abnormal amount of patience. Simon demonstrates an ability to get the best out of young children making them believe ‘I CAN’.
Teacher and book lover
Laura O has taught hundreds of children over the years and those fortunate enough to be in her classes will have been in for a treat. Laura O takes children on a learning journey, allowing them to make mistakes and lead the way. Making for memorable and meaningful learning that actually makes a difference. Laura O can often be found in her natural habitat; public libraries.
Teacher and mess maker
Laura B began her journey in teaching back in 2012 in Hackney. Laura B has always enjoyed finding ways to make learning truly engaging for children; be that maths in the snow or water play with phonics. Laura B understands and demonstrates that play is learning and the best learning happens through play. Laura B has two children who have further challenged her to find even bigger and better ways to make learning fun.